I know it's been a LONG LONG time since I posted, but the longer I waited the more overwhelmed I've been feeling about catching up! I will catch everyone up eventually....LOTS has happened since Halloween....Josh's 4th birthday and 2 parties, Thanksgiving, trips to Canada, trips to Washington, Family visits, preschool fun, Jason's graduation, planes trains and automobiles, Christmas, New Years, teething, snow and SNOW and MORE SNOW! and LOTS of COOOOOOLLLDDD days here in Michigan.... that about sums it up! No I will post some pictures and individual catch-up blogging... someday!
But today....today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so Josh has no school.... I was very happy to just stay home and go absolutely nowhere today! Jason has the car so we didn't have to get up early to drop him off, so we're just hanging out in our jammers. Maybe I'll even get around to taking down the Christmas tree.... maybe.
So my little Claire bear is getting quite independent, much to my dismay! She can now climb up on the kitchen chairs and retrieve whatever she wants from someone's previous meal. She not only opens all the cupboards, but now opens bags of food in the cupboards.....yesterday she came into the living room caked in white powder...all over her hands and face, leaving a trail..... I called out to Jason "Your daughter got into the anthrax again!" ... of course it WAS just powdered sugar, but it got his attention. And another big new accomplishment for Claire is opening up the toilet lid. We used to be safe just shutting the lid but keeping the door open, but now she can open up the lid so we need to remember to keep the door shut. I've caught her a couple of times dipping a wad of toilet paper in the toilet and back out again... just fascinating to her. Which leads me to today's little story....
I am very thankful my son is such a tattle-tale right now.
This morning while I was getting breakfast ready I hear josh calling from the other room... "Mom, Claire is dipping bread in the toilet, and eating it".
hmmm.... ya, 2 problems with that ...first of all, where did she get the bread? probably found it on the floor under something caked in crud and cat hair.... probably old - maybe 2, 3 days.... and stale and gross....
I know, I should have taken a picture.... I was just reminiscing with Lori the other day about how we wish we had taken a picture of Claire eating the cat food over the summer. But once again I didn't grab a camera.... too disgusted at the time. Besides, she had already eaten it all...only a few soggy crumbs remained on her mouth!
Maybe I should break out the baby gates again...
9 years ago