Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to school!


Joshua started kindergarten this week,

and Claire started preschool!
We also have a new front door!

Such an exciting, busy day for every one!

Wyatt joined his big bro and sis on the porch.
Weird that he will be the only one home with me while the other 2 are at school!

Claire brought apples to school for her teachers!
The weather called for rain, but it was a perfect sunny day... sunny, but windy!Here are some pics of Claire as she headed to preschool with Wyatt and me.

She is so proud to be a big preschool girl :)

Claire is pointing at her cubby in this picture. Each child has a symbol that goes with the first letter of their name. When Josh went to preschool here he was "Joshua Jack-o-lantern".
Claire is "Claire Cloud".

Claire's cubby :)

At greeting time we read books, and then read the message board.
I stay with Claire for the first half hour for greeting time, and then leave and she's in school for 2 hours. Then I spend the last 1/2 hour at outside time with her.

Claire is reading with her teacher in this picture.
And here she is at her table! :)
She is the youngest in her class.... all the other kids are 3 or older,
but she was almost 3 when she started!

Our days are crazy now.
Claire and Josh both start school around the same time, so I take Claire to school, and Jason takes Josh since it's close to his work.

Josh was pretty nervous to start kindergarten!
Nervous, but excited!

He's a small fish in a big pond right now...


I hope the school is smarter than their sign.
Jason and Josh arrived early for school because they had to sort out his registration.
Apparently the school had all of our paperwork, but it was never entered into their computer, so the teacher didn't have him on her list.
The principal sorted everything out with great apologies, and Josh's teacher quickly made some signs and name tags to help him feel welcome.
His teacher made him a cute matching sign for the 2nd day of school...
this is just his temporary cubby sign.

He was the first kid in class, so he was able to explore the classroom.
Josh and Claire are both in school for the morning only,
so we get to have fun all afternoon!
We went to the park and had a picnic lunch, then played :)
I was watching a friend's little boy for the week, so he hung out and joined in the fun as well.

Josh just seemed older today.

He had a big boy backpack, and a watch.... he picked out that shirt too.

He's a big kindergarten boy.
He can even pump his own swing!
And Wyatt stands by himself all the time, but won't take a step! :)

He has 5 teeth! (and a chunk of bread on the right)

It was a long day!! :)

We were all ready for naps!

How did my little babies get so big?


Diana said...

I love that I now have a thingo on my web browser to instantly tell me when you've posted something new to your blog! The kids look super patriotic in their first day clothes - all red, white and blue. Looks like a beautiful fall day in Michigan! And the door is stunning...maybe even worth all that work? (At least you got a good story out of it.) xo

Nana said...

The kids looked beautiful Vicki, and your front door is really cool! It looks like they had a fun time at school and I'm excited to see more posts from you. Yeah!

Christine Mains said...

I love your photos. Did you get a new camera. I do remember the one you had in June was amazing too. I so want to get the same camera. BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love your post. I cannot believe how big Claire is. She seems like a little lady now. And Wyatt is standing. And Josh. He is so stylish, and such a little ham. I love the photo of him in the swing. You're so talented.
Love you girl, and miss you.
I only have Owen at home all day. It is soooo nice and quiet.
I love your door!!! Gorgeous!!!!

Tara Ann said...

Wow! Amazing pictures. What a day that you had. Your kids look adorable, like always. Claire looks so grown up in the pictures. Love you and miss you!