Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Back to Schooooooool!

The first day of school was a few weeks ago, but here are the pictures anyways!
The kids were pretty excited, and it wasn't even raining!
(Wyatt wears his rainboots every day!)
Josh started first grade this year!
In Canada we would say "grade 1", and I don't know if I will ever get used to saying "first grade/second grade", etc!

Claire started her 2nd year of preschool, and she was super excited
and ready to make some new friends since her closest friends graduated preschool last year.
and Wyatt...
well, Wyatt just wanted to hold up a sign!

Josh did half-day kindergarten last year,
and so he was a little nervous about going to school for a full day.
He has a few kindergarten friends in his class and a really sweet teacher,
and quickly caught on that full day school is pretty awesome!

How do these kids keep growing up so fast??

It's just Wyatt and me at home in the mornings now!
He's pretty excited to start preschool, but I just want him to stay little.
Just for awhile.


Jenny said...

So cute! Claire looks just like you!

Diana said...

At my school, it's called Year 1, etc, so I teach 'Year 5' not 'fifth grade.' Took me awhile to get used to it - but reckon had it worked out by the end of the first year!

And you're right - can't believe how quickly they grow up. Great photos, by the way! Miss you. xo

Jenny Robbins said...

Your kiddos are getting so big and even more adorable!

Granny said...

Love your blogs, especially the photos.

Christine Mains said...

Gorgeous KIDS!!!
I love your photos, and your style!!!
You could have them in magazines!