Friday, June 12, 2009

guess what...

Yesterday Claire announced to me that she had to go poo, so I sat her down on the toilet and lo and behold, she really did have to go, and she did! She's been sitting on the toilet for "fun" for a few months now, but nothing has ever happened, and so you should have seen her face when something actually did this time! She looked pretty unnerved and wanted to get off but I encouraged her to stay and we sang some songs, and she did it!

She was pretty proud of herself after.
We figured it was time to bring out the potty chair and get going on some actual potty training. I'm tired just thinking about potty training again.
Still, she seems eager and ready to go, so who can deny that?

Aww look how sweet! She loves it.... and that is chocolate on her face.... chocolate!
Anyone seen "Baby Mama"?

and here's a pic of Josh on the potty when he was training :)

Funny how they're both wearing pants in their potty pictures :)
Not very efficient is it?

And finally, last but not least, a pregnant picture of yours truly... not a good one, but here it is...

I am 25 weeks, 1 day prego now!!


Lena Gilbert said...

Yay for Claire! How exciting. Isak runs to bathroom claiming he needs to go poo but just stares at the toilet. I love the prego picture, don't you love those gray capris? I still wear mine all the time.

Mark said...

I'm glad that i found you :)
Claire is too cute and fun. She is ready to be a big girl yay for her. your prego picture is cute. Do you have a big name in mind yet ?

Whitney R said...

Hahaha, Claire made me laugh. And so I told Jaren and showed him the picture. He laughed too :) I'm wondering - what are the blocks supposed to spell? The picture is perfect :)

So will we get to help with the training while we are there? So excited! ;)

And you look great! You definitely look pregnant. But you should for 6 months. I kind of think your not a whole lot bigger than me. We'll find out for sure in a few weeks! I'm excited :)

Oh, and I'm bringing the movie Baby Mama. Mom hasn't seen it and she thinks it would be fun to watch with two pregnant people.

Heidi said...

I did not know you were pregnant. Wow, I have only be gone from the Ypsi ward for 6 weeks and already missing out on all the news. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I heard Sis. Shephard is also Prego. You two should not be too far apart. Another Baby Boom on the way for the ward! CONGRATS again!

Anonymous said...

One nice thing about my kids refusing to potty train until they were 3+.... they were "trained" in a day or two.

Christine Mains said...

Go Mama! Atleast your not training twins to go potty while pregnant. They weren't trained fully until Owen was 8 months old! I hear girls train themselves when mom is ready!

You look fantastic! I need to send you another awesome shirt that isn't maternity, but I think it would look really stylish and cute on you as a maternity shirt. I'll send it this week.